Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Dramatic Impact of Act 3 Scene of William...

The Dramatic Impact of Act 3 Scene of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, and in particular Act 3 scene 5 is full of dramatic tension, fuelled by various themes. Among the most prominent of these themes are those of secrecy, conflicting public an private worlds, dramatic irony, and the major contrasts in the beginning of the scene when compared to the end of the scene. Many of the stark contrasts that fill the play are clearly seen in Act 3 scene 5, and these include some of the major issues of the day (late 16th century Britain) such as those of life and death, and loyalty and honour. As well as these contrasts there are also contrasting references to light†¦show more content†¦The scene begins with Romeo and Juliets intimacy and the pain of knowing they must part. The audience knows that they will never see each other alive again because of the chorus part at the beginning of the play and because of Romeos pending banishment, thus making it full of dramatic irony. Romeo says, Let me be tane, let me be put to dea th, and here he is referring to if he stays with Juliet he will be found and killed. He also says, Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so. This also makes it dramatic because the audience knows Romeo will die because of Juliets and his love, and this will climax to become very tragic at the end because he is saying it in a light-hearted manner. At the end of the scene Romeo says to Juliet in what will be his final words to her, more dark and dark our woes! The last time they see each other when they kill themselves is in the tomb that Shakespeare describes as a dark place and these premonitions of theirs help in creating a opening full of dramatic irony and tension. In lines 64 to 105, Juliet and Lady Capulet discuss her proposed marriage to Paris and it is in these line that Shakespeare makes his mastery of language clear, whilst building up the tension. In this scene, the most important feature of Juliets speech is her ambiguity. For example, when she and her motherShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet979 Words   |  4 PagesEES81QFC Freshman Composition 1 November 2015 Romeo and Juliet Were Never Meant To Be William Shakespeare’s masterpiece Romeo and Juliet tells the story of a pair of star-crossed lovers willing to defy all odds to be together. However, throughout the story, we repeatedly see how fate intervenes and wreaks havoc on their lives in destructive and devastating ways. 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