Saturday, May 16, 2020

My Assumptions About China And Chinese Culture - 1069 Words

Introduction Doing business in China may require more patience and understanding the culture before adventuring in taking a foreign assignment. There are several factors that need to be looked at before taking the assignment, knowledge, skills, and culture understanding, knowing how to negotiate and knowing when to except the idea. There are traditions and customs that China has that have to be known before anyone conducting business in China needs to know. China is based on an old system of proper manners and etiquette when doing business. Doing business in China you need to know their customs and know how to communicate effectively but there are more things that need to be looked at such as political differences, building trust and respecting Chinese culture. As part of this paper I will answer several questions about my assumptions about China, adjusting my behavior on a business trip to China, Chinese managers running a business in the United States and if I would be less i nterested in taking a foreign assignment. Has the presentation challenged any assumptions you had about china and the Chinese people? Yes, I think the assumptions are how the media has described China and how they are promoting self interest over the company they work for and how forward they are and how they will just pop in without any appointments. The one thing that stood out is how, managers unanimously indicated that speed of decision making and execution in China is extraordinaryShow MoreRelatedThe U Curve Model Of Adaptation1623 Words   |  7 Pagesexamines the process of adapting cultural values among Africans migrants in China. 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