Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Chicago Hope :: essays research papers

Chicago Hope, David E. Kelly’s infamous doctor-drama, premiered on September 18, 1994. Six years later, the show was canceled after its final season’s finale, which aired on May 4, 2000. Even though â€Å"Hope† couldn’t beat its direct competitor ER in the ratings race, the show still had a lot of good things going for it. Chicago Hope was nominated for a myriad of highly prestigious awards during its run. Many of these awards were lost to ER and other dramas but leading-lady Christina Lahti did receive both an Emmy and a Golden Globe for her performances on the show. Critic Mark Harris, even when as far as saying, â€Å"Lahti is, no question, the best dramatic actress in prime time.† (Entertainment Weekly, Oct. 4, 1996 p.51) Also, Hector Elizondo received an Emmy for his supporting role and people involved in off screen production won multiple awards. Chicago Hope was loved by critics even when being directly compared to ER. Chicago Hope was basically CBS’s answer to ER; a drama about doctors, taking place in a teaching hospital in Chicago, that aired on Thursdays at ten. The cast was constantly changing due to the constant ratings battle CBS was waging against NBC. Behind the scenes, CBS put its money on Executive Producer/Writer David E. Kelly who, at the time, was just coming off a successful run with Picket Fences; while NBC also went with a big name Producer/Writer/Novelist in Michael Crichton. Also, â€Å"Hope† used numerous directors and guest directors over the course of its six-year run, keeping the show fresh. Aside from the battle with ER and the constantly changing staff, this show definitely met or exceeded all of the requirements for a â€Å"quality TV† series outlined by Professor Robert J. Thompson in his book Television’s Second Golden Age. Chicago Hope was not your everyday TV escape. It was a show that made the viewer actually think about what was going on in both the show and the real world. It brought up issues that actually affected the lives of the people watching. It dealt with controversial issues like death, birth control, and AIDS. In the words of critic Ken Tucker, â€Å"†¦in a fall season with little quality [this is a] solid drama.† (Entertainment Weekly, Sept. 23, 1994 p. 52) Furthermore, â€Å"Hope† was the brainchild of Producer David E. Kelly, which, before the premiere even aired, meant that it was of high quality.

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